
What Are Moon Days & Are They Just For Ashtangis?

If you’re familiar with Ashtanga, you’ve probably heard of the famed Moon Days, or rest days. In a traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice, you practice every day, taking one day off for rest, which is usually a Saturday or Sunday depending on the practitioner. They also refrain from practicing on a full moon or new moon.

But why is that? And if the reasons are beyond that of tradition, perhaps they would pertain to Vinyasa or other yoga practitioners. I did some research and found the reasons to be quite interesting, so, I made a vlog on the topic as it’s a conversation I’m interested in opening up to the yoga community.

Thoughts on the reasons as to why you shouldn’t practice on moon days and whether yogis from other lineages should think about doing the same, or perhaps just experiment with listening to their bodies during that time.

What about you? What are your thoughts?